
Clear cache microsoft edge browser specific site
Clear cache microsoft edge browser specific site

Since the cache is so useful, getting rid of it might seem counterintuitive, but it isn't, and you'll find yourself clearing it every so often. Without the cache, you'd be forced to download everything over and over, drastically slowing down your browsing speed.

clear cache microsoft edge browser specific site

Putting these parts in a cache means that you won't have to redownload them each time you go from site to site, and this can be as simple as going from the homepage of a website to an article that catches your eye. Certain parts of every website can be preserved and used again, such as logos or various parts of the code that generally tend to stay the same on most iterations of the site.

clear cache microsoft edge browser specific site clear cache microsoft edge browser specific site

What does clearing your cache in Microsoft Edge really do? Simply put, it gets rid of all cached files that your browser keeps and reuses when you visit the same website multiple times.

Clear cache microsoft edge browser specific site